Crowdlinker -
Mido Lotto

Increasing conversations through rebranding and modernizing


Based in California USA, Lottery Now offers safe, easy, and fun ways to play Lottery draw games. Their app, Mido Lotto, is unique in that it operates in many US states where other lottery apps are restricted. To showcase the app as a trustworthy space for secure gambling, they needed to do a complete overhaul of their user experience and reimagine their UI.

Tools - Sketch,Sketch, Illustrator, & Invison, Premiere

Duration - December 2019

My Role - Research, Lead Product designer

Team - Designer: Monique Lourenco Lopes (Me), Product Manager: Brandon Whelan, Operations Coordinator: Sarah Hwozdyk

Understanding the Target Audience

⛔️ The Problem

Due to outdated UX and UI of the app, users were hesitant to link up their bank accounts and engage in the app. 95% of people complete the sign up, 67% of people will select a ticket and send it to checkout. But. only 28% of people would complete a purchase. My task was to figure out why there was a big drop in conversion rate

The Outcome

We were able to increase the conversion rate. Our efficiency in producing high fidelity mockups led to us creating a quality user experience, on time, whilst exceeding client expectations.

The Process

Exploring Mido Lotto

Understanding Potluck's Info. Architecture

I started this project by learning about Mido lotto, I had conversations with their COO and Head of product to learn about their current workflow/UX and design decisions. After, I went on my own to conduct a heuristic analysis of their app. These steps helped me understand and map out their current exiting user flow

Checking Google Analytics

Finding Quantitative Data & Metrics

In order to understand how effective the current onboarding is, I looked at both the Google Analytics and Fullstory sessions to see if there were any dropoffs and where they occurred.

Testing Mido Lotto

Evaluating Potluck's current experience

I started this project by learning about Mido lotto, I had conversations with their COO and Head of product to learn about their current workflow/UX and design decisions. After, I went on my own to conduct a heuristic analysis of their app. These steps helped me understand and map out their current exiting user flow

Quantifying problems

Usability Test Results & Findings

The results showed a glaring issue. With only 40% of the tasks being completed successfully, I knew Potluck was difficult to understand and navigate without external help.


Major Findings & Uncovered Insights

Based on the usability test and follow-up interviews, these were the most pressing issues that needed to be addressed.

Market Research

Competitor Analysis

On top of user research, I also conducted market research to have a better understanding of where Mido lotto stands with its competitors.  Also, to understand how similar applications managed user interactions, and how this information was displayed.

How can we make features more discoverable, impart a sense of value, collaboration & project progression?


Major Findings & Uncovered Insights

Based on the usability test and follow-up interviews, these were the most pressing issues that needed to be addressed.